Revolution Gallery stands in solidarity and support with the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement.
Buffalo is a city rich with diversity; in the neighborhoods, in the city’s history, in the residents who immigrated here to make a new home, in the many small businesses that help this city to thrive, and in the artists and the art they create. Revolution Gallery strives to be a better ally, and to be a part of the efforts to build positive change for our city.
WNY is home to many talented black artists, and we are fortunate — as a society, as an art community, and as a gallery – to have their work as part of our city. A thank you to local artist Chuck Tingley for sharing this list to his IG. Please check out their work.
Alexa Joan (@byalexajoan)
Art by Madonna/MXO (@madonnapannell)
Ashley Kay (@art_ashleykay)
Byron Brown II, a.k.a. $eeing $ounds (@seeings0unds)
Chris George (@empty.fortune.cookie and @giruck)
Dani DuJour (@dani_dujour)
Edreys (@edreys)
Ferris B (@InkByFerrisB)
George Afedzi Hughes (@afedzi43)
HEMLOCK (@xiii_513)
James Cooper III (@jamesjcooperIII )
Jarael Adams (@jaraeladams)
John Baker (@johnbakart)
Julia Bottoms (@joo_lea)
LeRoi C. Johnson (@LeRoiC.Johnson)
Markenzy Cesar (@markenzycesar)
Obsidian Bellis (@maybeheaven)
Rashaad Holley (@rashaadholley)
Robert Harris (@paintingmachine)
Rodney Taylor
Saleem Naseer-Capone (@sykelee91)
The Left-Handed Bandit (@lfthandedbandit)
Zhanna Reed (@zhelre)