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12 Days to go (and only one day till the Full Moon)!

“Humans have been living by lunar cycles for centuries, and in our modern world, connecting to these energies can give us a sense of grounding and synergy with the earth and cosmos. 

While the new moon is a time to set intentions for the future and launch new projects, the full moon is a time of culmination and fruition. Starting with the “dark” phase of the new moon, the lunar surface gathers light over a two-week period, then manifests as a full moon. When the moon is completely full, it’s a spiritual and energetic pinnacle of whatever you started when the sun and the moon united at the new moon.“*

Keep this tiny full moon close; it is going to be used in a Full Moon Ceremony tomorrow along with the present you will be opening on October 20th. Think of your intentions you want to set, and look forward to the power of clarity this lunar cycle brings.

*Full moon intentions