The artists dismantle, decapitate, re-assemble and sculpt kitsch figurines, toys and religious icons into new and hopefully thought-provoking idols of the information age. The juxtapositions and chimeras they make are designed to be pseudo-religious icons of popular culture. Culture is in part a cult and the symbols of our age represent the saints and sinners of our society. The figures when shown together, become a shrine to our modern cult. “Technological prosperity has merged with nihilism and created impotent gods. The pieces in this show are our representations of these demigods.”
Based in Long Island NY, Anthony Freda works as an editorial illustrator, visual political activist and as part of the adjunct faculty of the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. In addition to many mainstream clients, such as Time, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone and The New York Times, he also contributes to many alternative news websites and publication, such as Code Pink, Activist Post, Washington’s Blog,Global Research, Cindy Sheehan’s The Soapbox and The Trends Journal. In 2006 The Village Voicecommissioned Freda to illustrate a story about people who challenge the official 9/11 narrative, the artwork has since become part of the permanent collection of the US National September 11th Museum in NYC.
Nick Chiechi has made the expert, archival fabrication of these assemblages and sculptures possible. Both artists share common views and concerns regarding the current state of our culture and use our art as a means of commenting on the state of affairs and also as a catharsis to purge the negative emotions we sometimes experience in our journey of understanding the true nature of our reality. The act of creation itself transforms pity and anger into hope.