PARADISE LOST – Group Exhibit
Opening • Friday, February 19th | 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Revolution Gallery is pleased to welcome five national and international artists to our gallery for this group show – Matthew Couper, Gerlanda di Francia, Katie Gamb, Jason Hernandez, and Ana Luna.
Assembling these pop surrealist artists in this group show, each of them exhibiting new artwork, promises for a display of beautifully diverse, yet complimentary visuals. Their individual styles create a sense of mutualism within this gathering, resulting in a strong sense of continuation within their collective narrative.
The opening will be dependent on Covid19 Regulations in NYS. Either in person (socially distanced, very limited seating, timed-reservations only), and / or as a virtual event. Currently, we are allowed to have guests in the gallery, so please make your reservations per the calendar on this page. These blocks of time limit the amount of people in our gallery, and gives staff time between the visits to clean for the next small group. Proper wearing of masks is required, as are temperature checks and the use of hand sanitizer at the door. We thank you for your compliance with these regulations, as it is assisting in keeping everyone safe.